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The History of English Literature

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The History of English Literature deals with some of the great works of English Literature in a way that is light and fun without being too superficial. The show relies mainly on a series of great stories to keep the audience engaged, but it also mixes in a quiz, a game and a lot of interesting information.


The show features stories by Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Bronte as well as some famous classic poems. However, as the conclusion of the show explains, the main aim of the show is to encourage students to not be afraid of the classics and generally to seek out and embrace good quality writing.

The director talks about the show

Teaching Materials        Materials with key        8 Classic poems


A Note on using these materials

These materials are here to suppliment the experience of seeing the show 'The History of English Literature'. However, the show is designed to be a light introduction to some of the great writers and it is not necessary to prepare for it. We recommend that you work with these materials after seeing the show. Please note too that these materials are of a higher level than the show itself. So please do not use these materials as a guide to help you judge if the show will be suitable for your students. 


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